Dr Wojciech Kania

Ornithological Station, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Nadwiślańska 108, 80-680 Gdańsk, Poland

e-mail wkania@stornit.gda.pl (wkania@miiz.waw.pl); tel. +48 58 3080 759; fax +48 58 3080 982
po polsku

in English

Publications on: Starling Sturnus vulgaris

39. Gromadzki M., Kania W. 1976. Bird-ringing results in Poland. Migration of the Starlings, Sturnus vulgaris L. Acta orn. 15, 5: 279-321.

49a. [?] Kania W. 1982. Probability method of ageing of the passerine nestlings and its usage in breeding phenology investigations. The Ring. 110: 1-7. Extensive summary of the paper published in 1983 in Not. Orn. 24, 1-2: 46-68.

49. Kania W. 1983. Probabilistyczna metoda określania wieku piskląt ptaków wróblowatych i jej zastosowanie w badaniach fenologii rozrodu szpaka (Sturnus vulgaris). [Probability method of ageing passerine nestlings and its usage in breeding phenology investigations of starling]. Polish with English summary. Not. Orn. 24, 1-2: 46-68.

86. Kania W. 2007. Ringing schedules as a source of data on the breeding biology changes over decades. Starling Sturnus vulgaris and Great Tit Parus major examples. 6th Conference of the European Ornithologists' Union. Abstract volume, Vienna: 105.

89. Kania W., Chylarecki P. 2009. Ringing records as the window into the history of population changes - pitfalls and prospects in analysis of 76 years' data on Starlings Sturnus vulgaris breeding in Poland. Abstracts. 7th Conference of the European Ornitholoigists' Union, Zurich, 21 - 26 August 2009: 47.

93. Lambrechts M. M., Adriaensen F., Ardia D. R., Artemyev A. V., Atiénzar F., Bańbura J., Barba E., Bouvier J.-C., Camprodon J., Cooper C. B., Dawson R. D., Eens M., Eeva T., Faivre B., Garamszegi L. Z., Goodenough A. E., Gosler A. G., Grégoire A., Griffith S. C., Gustafsson L., Johnson L. S., Kania W., Kei?s O., Llambias P. E., Mainwaring M. C., Mänd R., Massa B., Mazgajski T. D., Mrller A. P., Moreno J., Naef-Daenzer B., Nilsson J.- C., Norte A. C., Orell M., Otter K. A., Park Ch. R., Perrins Ch. M., Pinowski J., Porkert J., Potti J., Remes V., Richner H., Rytkönen S., Shiao M.- T., Silverin B., Slagsvold T., Smith H. G., Sorace A., Stenning M. J., Stewart I., Thompson Ch. F., Török J., Tryjanowski P., van Noordwijk A. J., Winkler D. W., Ziane N. 2010. The design of artificial nestboxes for the study of secondary hole-nesting birds: a review of methodological inconsistencies and potential biases. Acta Ornithol. 45: 1-26.

96. Busse P., Kania W., Ożarowska A., Stępniewska K. 2012. Obrączkowanie ptaków. Fundacja Wspierania Inicjatyw Ekologicznych, Kraków. 1-66.

Created 2012-04-01 | updated 2016-08-21
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