Dr Wojciech Kania

Ornithological Station, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Nadwiślańska 108, 80-680 Gdańsk, Poland

e-mail wkania@stornit.gda.pl (wkania@miiz.waw.pl); tel. +48 58 3080 759; fax +48 58 3080 982
po polsku

in English

Publications on: Safety of catchimg birds at nest

62. Kania W. 1989. Brood desertion by great tits Parus major caught at the nest. Acta orn. 25: 77-105.

66. Kania W. 1992. Safety of catching adult European birds at the nest. Ringers' opinions. The Ring 14: 5-50.

67. Kania W. 1994. Safety of catching adult waders at the nest - a request for data for the wader field methods manual. WSG Bull. 72: 20-21.

69. Kania W. 1995. Safety of catching adult waders at the nest - data still wanted! WSG Bull. 76: 21.

70. Kania W. 1996. Safety of catching adult British birds at the nest. Ringers' Bulletin 9 (4): 24-27.

96. Busse P., Kania W., Ożarowska A., Stępniewska K. 2012. Obrączkowanie ptaków. Fundacja Wspierania Inicjatyw Ekologicznych, Kraków. 1-66.

Created 2012-04-01 | updated 2016-08-21
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