Dr Wojciech Kania

Stacja Ornitologiczna, Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN
Gdańsk - Górki Wschodnie, ul. Nadwiślańska 108, 80-680 Gdańsk, Poland

e-mail wkania@stornit.gda.pl (wkania@miiz.waw.pl); tel. +48 58 3080 759; fax +48 58 3080 982
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Publikacje z zakresu: Opublikowane abstrakty prezentacji konferencyjnych

50. Kania W. 1983. Preliminary remarks on the migration of North European Goldcrests Regulus regulus. Ornis Fennica. Suppl. 3: 29-30.

57. Kania W. 1986. Winter quarters of Goldcrests (Regulus regulus) migrating through Polish coast of the Baltic Sea. XIX Congressus Internationalis ornithologicus. Abstracts.

64. Chylarecki P., Kania W. 1992. Research on waders at the Pyasina Mouth, western Taymyr in 1991. Abstracts of talks and posters presented at the 1961 Wader Study Group Conference and Symposium. Wader Study Group Bull. 64: 11-12.

65. Chylarecki P., Kania W. 1992. Polygyny and polyandry in the mating system of the Little Stint Calidris minuta. Abstracts of talks and posters presented at the 1961 Wader Study Group Conference and Symposium. Wader Study Group Bull. 64: 12.

68. Kania W. 1994. Breeding Phenology of Parus major in Poland, 1931 - 1993: Data from Ringing Shedules and Nestling Aging Method. Journal fur Ornithologie. 135: 11.

75. Kania W. 1999. Changes in tits' breeding time 1931-1992 in Poland - a ringing schedules analysis. International Conference Bird Ringing 100 Years. Results and Perspectives of Bird Ringing. Helgoland, Germany, 29 September - 03 October 1999. Programme and Abstracts: 53. Streszczenie referatu.

86. Kania W. 2007. Ringing schedules as a source of data on the breeding biology changes over decades. Starling Sturnus vulgaris and Great Tit Parus major examples. 6th Conference of the European Ornithologists' Union. Abstract volume, Vienna: 105.

87. Kania W. 2007. Obrączkowanie w badaniach długoterminowych zmian biologii ptaków. Perspektywy i pułapki - na przykładzie sikory bogatki i bociana białego. Ogólnopolski Kongres Zoologiczny Zmienność - Adaptacja - Ewolucja, 12-16 września 2007: 203

89. Kania W., Chylarecki P. 2009. Ringing records as the window into the history of population changes - pitfalls and prospects in analysis of 76 years' data on Starlings Sturnus vulgaris breeding in Poland. Abstracts. 7th Conference of the European Ornitholoigists' Union, Zurich, 21 - 26 August 2009: 47.

90. Kania W. 2009. Relative re-encounter ratio - an alternative approach to infer bird distribution from the re-encounter distribution. EURING Analytical Meeting 2009, Estimation, modelling and conservation of vertebrate populations using marked individuals: 89.

94. Husek J., Adamik P., Albrecht T., Cepak J., Kania W., Mikolakova E.,Tkadlec E.,Stenseth, N. C. 2011. Dynamics of pulsed prey abundance shapes avian reproduction: study on the Common Vole (Microtus arvalis) and its predator, the White Stork (Ciconia aiconia). In: Fusani, L., Coppack, T., Strazds, M. (eds). 8th Conference of the European Ornithologists' Union 27–30 August 2011, Riga. Programme and Abstracts: 161.

100. Kania W. 2014. White stork Ciconia ciconia ringing in Poland. Influence of the ringing routine on the ringing results. Proposals for the future. 1st International White Stork Conference 4th-6th September 2014, Zielona Góra, Poland. Abstracts. Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Zielona Góra.

20160404. Prezentacja konferencyjna: Kania W. 2016. Obrączkowania bociana białego w Polsce w 2015; obrączkowanie naprzemienne. V Zjazd Grupy Badawczej Bociana Białego, Huta, 4–6.03.2016.

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